About Me

My name is Megan~Lucy, a 17 year old British what ever takes my fancy blogger! I started my blog in July last year and fell in love with the style of writing! During February 2016 I took a break for a while but now I'm back feeling super duper motivated!
'Miss Megan Lucy' is my little site to post about what ever I want and my only real aim is that you enjoy reading the posts as much as I enjoy writing them! There isn't a fixed theme either, I'm not just a beauty blogger or a book blogger because I'm not just those things- I'm lots of things, just like we all are! And I hope that as I grow older that 'Miss Megan Lucy' reflects that too- who knows what this  little site could turn into!

You can find me on: Twitter~ @missmeganluc
                                      Instagram~ @missmeganlucy
         Bloglovin~ megan~lucy

Lots of Love,

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